AI-Powered Agents for Seamless Customer Service Automation

Automate your customer service with AI-driven agents. Our agents handle WhatsApp, website chat, and voice interactions, delivering 24/7 customer support and seamless follow-ups.

Discover Solutions
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Text  Agents

Enhance customer service with intelligent AI-powered text agents that provide 24/7 support on websites and WhatsApp. These chatbots handle inquiries instantly, guide customers smoothly, and free up your team to focus on complex tasks, ensuring higher customer satisfaction.
24/7 Availability: Instantly assist customers at any time, enhancing responsiveness.
Automated Inquiry Handling: Manage common questions automatically, reducing the workload on human agents.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Deliver accurate and quick responses, improving overall customer experience.
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Text to SQL  Agents

Transform data management with AI-powered Text to SQL solutions that enable seamless database queries through everyday communication platforms like WhatsApp. Our Text to SQL agents allow users to retrieve, update, and manage database information by simply typing natural language commands, eliminating the need for SQL expertise and empowering teams to make data-driven decisions faster.
Instant Data Access: Retrieve real-time data from your databases through WhatsApp or any platform of your choice, enabling quicker decision-making without needing to know SQL.
Natural Language Queries: Convert simple text requests into complex SQL queries, making database management accessible for non-technical team members.
Increased Efficiency: Automate database management tasks like updates, queries, and reporting, freeing up your team to focus on strategic operations.

Schedule Your Free Introduction.

Meet-and-greet with Frank and George, no obligations.

image credits

*For aesthetic reasons, the big typo is embedded as an image

Tell us the name of your business.*


Explain your business in a few sentences.

Pretend you're talking to a teenager. What are you selling? Who are you selling to? And, how much do you charge for your (main) services?


What is your website URL?

If you don't have your website URL, please add your LinkedIn profile.*


What is your current monthly revenue?

If you don't have recurring revenue, take an average of the last months gross' revenues'


How do you fulfill your product or service?

Please describe your process for fulfilling your product or service. Do you handle it yourself, delegate it to a team, or use a specific management system?


What is the best way we can get ahold of you?

We'll let you book a time shortly- this is just so that we can reach you if we disconnect or need to solve an urgent problem with your system build.

First name
Last name
Phone number (with country code first)

Any last words before we wrap this up?

We always have people that love sharing extra bits for us to consider to make the onboarding even better. Let us know!

Next step

Book Your Meeting

at your preferred date and time.
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Get Started with Our AI Solutions

Please select your desired AI solution and provide your contact details, and a member of our team will promptly follow up with you.

Confidentiality Notice: All information you provide is strictly confidential and will be used solely to fulfill your request. We do not share your details with third parties without your explicit consent. Your data is protected under industry-standard security measures, ensuring your privacy is maintained at all times.

Book Your Meeting

at your preferred date and time.
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